Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Gratitude Blog

          There is many things I am grateful for this year. I am grateful for my family and I am also thankful for my true friends. This year has been hard for me and also good, I lost many people I used to consider a friend but I got to see who were my real friends. I want to thank those that care for me because it is nice to feel cared for and to know you can count on someone when you need help. Also I want to thank the people who have hurt me because that helped me become a stronger person and it has helped me learn how to overcome things. The people I am most grateful for are my parents because they have done many sacrifices for me and because they love me.
           I am thankful for having a home and food each day because there is people who are starving around the world. There is also many people that are homeless or their home is not a good place to live in, and they're suffering and luckily I’m not (thanks to my parents). I’m also grateful that I don’t live in a place where it is not safe and I don’t have to worry about my family and myself. I am thankful for my health and my education because some people aren't able to go to school and they won’t be able to have a good future. I’m also grateful that I do not have to go through really bad struggles, and when I do I am able to overcome them.
            The last things I am grateful for is god because I am still alive and also he takes care of us. I am thankful that when my grandparents got sick really bad and had to go to the hospital they survived. I also want to thank god because he is there when you need someone (if you believe in him). There is many more things that I am grateful for but I would never finish if I talked about them.

AOW Gallery Walk

           Today we did a gallery walk in ELA for article of the week, and I learned may things. I went to 13 different people and took away many things. For example one of these things is that Astronomers found another earth. This planet has not been proved that it exists because it is beyond pluto and it is very difficult to see. It is also 10x bigger than earth and it's an exoplanet. I also learned about Bonneted Bats and how they are unique. These bats don’t live in caves or dark places and they can fly higher than an average bat. They use sound to survive, but they are endangered because of a fungus.
            When it was time for me to present I was excited and I felt ready because I annotated my article and I reread the article so I didn't forget any important information. I also felt ready because I forgot any information I could simply take a quick look at my summary and keep presenting. I liked having the gallery walk because I got to learn new interesting things about what's going on around the world and I also got to present and improve my presenting skills more. I think that the first time I presented I didn't do as good as the last time because

Monday, November 14, 2016

Donald Trump Won the Election

        The election happened last week, and Donald Trump won. I am really disappointed because i didn't want him to win and I am also scared for myself and the country  because he is probably the person who is least qualified to become president. I'm sure of this because he is the only president without military knowledge. This means that if we get into big conflicts happen and the military is needed, what will he do? What strategies will he use?
         I also think this because Donald Trump has said things that are not what a leader should say. For example Donald Trump has said many racist things towards Muslims,Hispanics, and African Americans. He has also said that he wants to build a wall and he is going to make Mexico pay for it. This is honestly really dumb because Donald Trump says things that make no sense, and he thinks he has a lot of power so he says things like that. He wants to deport immigrants because he thinks this is going to solve immigration problems. It is not. Immigrants actually help the country grow economically and in other ways too. There is also many immigrants in the USA (most of the population are immigrants)and it will be really hard to deport all of them.
          Throughout the whole election I was wondering who would vote for Donald Trump, and why? I also thought people weren't going to vote for him, but I was wrong. I still wonder till this day why people choose him. Why did people want him to be the leader of the country when he obviously doesn't care about others? I was thinking about this and I think I know why. Some people didn't vote for Hillary because she is a women. I think this because I saw this YouTube video (I forgot the name) and this guy asked women why they didn't vote for Hillary. I remember a women said, “Because she is a women, women are weak and she can't take a lot of responsibility, but man can.” I was really surprised when I heard her say this because it's sad that she thinks of herself as weak. When I found out Donald won I was shocked because he could destroy America. Then I remembered that Congress has to approve Donald's laws and things like that so he won't be able to do all the things he wants to do. Also congress can impeach him if he's not good enough.