Monday, February 27, 2017

Butterfly Project

"Concert in the Old School Garret"

White fingers of the sexton sleep heavy upon us.  
Half a century  
Since anyone as much as touched this piano.  Let it sing again  As it was made to yesterday. 

Phantom hands that strike softly or that thunder
The forehead of this man heavy as the heavens before it rains. 

And the springs
Under the weight of excitement, forgot to squeak
Half a century it is since anyone as much as touched this piano. 

Our good friend Time  
Sucked each figure empty like a honeybee  
That has lived long enough  
And drunk enough honey  
So that now it can dry out in the sun somewhere

Under the closed eyes, another person sits
Under the closed eyes, he seeks among the keys  
As among the veins through which the blood flows softly  
When you kiss them with a knife and put a song to it. 

And this man yesterday cut all the veins 
Opening all the organ’s stops
Paid all the birds to sing
To sing 

Even though the harsh fingers of the sexton sleep heavy upon us  
Bent in his manner of death, you are like Beethoven 

Your forehead was as heavy as the heavens before it rains


Friday, February 10, 2017

Berlin Memorial Activity

          During the Berlin Memorial Activity I learned that in 1933 Hitler made many rules that restricted Jews from doing fun things and also from having a job. Then in 1934 he didn't make as many rules so he didn't scare the Jews and he could keep as many Jews in Germany as possible . I also learned that the death of a German official was an excuse for the Nazi’s to create the concentration camps and start genocide. Another thing I learned is that Hitler made laws that made Jews almost starve to death and they couldn't escape.

          I think the Berlin Memorial was built to remember all the lives that were lost during the holocaust. The holocaust is a very devastating time in history and it's important to remember it because if we forget it, than it could happen again. Another reason I think the Memorial was built is because those 13 years of Hitler ruling was evil and we can learn from things like that.

          Some years during the holocaust the number of laws was low like in 1934, 1935, 1937 and 1940. In other years there was more than 5 like in 1933, 1938, 1939, and 1942. During these years approximately 6 million Jews died, the few that survived are very lucky because they were able to continue their life and maybe change the world positively. I think Hitler probably planned how many laws e was going to make each year to not alert Jews. This way people who were Jewish got used to it and they didn't run away.

         I think the restriction/law that would be the most trouble dealing with is “Jews not allowed to emigrate” because then you wouldn't be able to escape and save your family. I really wouldn't care if I died unless I knew my family was safe and they survived the holocaust. I think this law is like a death sentence, but worst because you wouldn't see anybody you cared about ever again and you would never know what happened to them.